New Beginnings

I first saw The Bread For Life Diet as a post under the heading of Crazy Fad Diets. Fad or not, being totally addicted to bread I was intrigued as to what it was all about. I looked online at the local library, and they had a copy, so I called DH and asked him to pick up the book I had on hold, and so began my very last weight loss journey. That night I read the book and the next day we went grocery shopping, so we could start right away. It never even crossed my mind that it wouldn't work for me, as a child, I could eat most of the things my mother put on my plate if I could put it between two slices of bread. So I am pretty adventurous in what I will put in a sandwich, and vegetables are no problem whatsoever. I knew this diet was made for me, and I was supremely happy about it.

Speed ahead seven weeks and I had lost 15 pounds, I won't tell you what DH lost in the same amount of time, but you can be sure it was more than me. I chose not to know what he lost, I needed to be satisfied with my own loss, and I was!! You have to know that even when I took Redux (phen/fen) my average weight loss was 1 pound a week, so an average of two pounds a week is like a miracle to me. Not only had I lost weight, but I had lost inches; two pant sizes worth of inches. Plus I was never hungry, and cravings were pretty much a thing of the past.

After this weight loss, we took an Transatlantic cruise, that's 14 nights of four-course meals, as well as three days in Barcelona, where we discovered how delicious gelato is. Upon weighing myself after returning home, I had gained three pounds, and two of those had gone by the following day. So I certainly wouldn't call this a fad diet, I know I can use this eating plan to maintain a healthy weight the rest of my life.

People have asked about the food we are eating, so this is for them, and anyone else out there in cyber land wanting to know how to use the Bread For Life Diet.

1 comment:

  1. Love it . I'm currently just starting this diet. Thank you for all your recipes and tips . I did herbalife last time I tried to lose a few pounds . I followed the herbalife plan to the T and actually gained weight . I quit and decided to try something that goes against everything society has told me . I'm only three days in , but one things for sure , for the first time in years I'm feel full and satisfied. I've starved far too long on diets. I wanted to find I diet that I continue , a life long change really . Recently I found out I have thyroid problems , so weight loss is slower for me . But I think with patience this is going to help me lose and maintain . This is a diet I can live with.
